# Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) The following section contains some frequently asked questions around deploying Data 8 with JupyterHub. If you have a question that isn't answered, feel free to [open an issue on the Z2D8 github repository](https://github.com/ucbds-infra/ds-course-infra-guide/issues). ## How can I deploy a JupyterHub on hardware that isn't listed in this guide? These guides focus on deploying JupyterHub on large cloud providers such as Microsoft, Google, and Amazon. However, many organizations prefer to deploy on something other than this (e.g. their own local hardware). You can deploy a JupyterHub on any hardware, though it must run Kubernetes. Setting up Kubernetes is not trivial, so we recommend cloud providers as they simplify this process significantly. If there's a specific provider or setup that you *think* should be officially documented, please reach out and we can discuss! ## Where can I find the guide to deploy JupyterHub? For courses of 50 or less students we recommend [**The Littlest JupyterHub**](https://the-littlest-jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) guide. For courses of more than 50 students we recommend the [**Zero to JupyterHub for Kubernetes**](https://zero-to-jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) guide.